Hello friends! Evan Greer here. This is where I'll be posting my monthly Friends Not Fans Newsletter as well as other updates occasionally. Scroll down to find latest news about my music, tour schedule, new releases, fun stories from the road, cute pictures of my family, and most importantly news and updates about what's going on in the world. Got an event or campaign you want me to promote here? Contact me!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
NEW song and DIY Music Video: "Their Days are Numbered"
This Fall is so very full and hectic! Lots going on in our lives and in the world. Not sure if I'm going to have time for a full November newsletter this month, but I am excited to release this brand new song and DIY music video: "Their Days are Numbered."
This song is a synthesis of my hopes for and frustrations with the #Occupy movement. I wrote it on 11/25/11, the National Day of Mourning, also known as "Thanksgiving."
I send this song out into the world in the hopes to add my voice to the mix and support those struggling against colonization and all forms of oppression and exploitation.
Please share this with your friends and community, post to facebook, etc., and feel free to remix and use however you see fit (non commercial.) Add your voice to the struggle too! I made this video myself using just my computer. You can too. xoxo
-evan g
E-Mail: evangreer@gmail.com
Website: www.evangreer.org
Collective: www.riotfolk.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/evan.greer2
Bandcamp: evangreer.bandcamp.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/evangreer
Buy CDs with PayPal: www.evangreer.org/products.html
Buy CDs From CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com/evangreer
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/evangreer1
Friday, October 21, 2011
October 2011 Friends Not Fans Newsletter
1) Broken guitar! Please donate!
2) Video, Photos, Stories from Great West Tour w/ ANNE FEENEY!
3) Occupation and Liberation
4) Tarek Mehanna's Trial Has Started! Take Action!
E-Mail: evangreer@gmail.com
Website: www.evangreer.org
Collective: www.riotfolk.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/evan.greer2
Bandcamp: evangreer.bandcamp.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/evangreer
Buy CDs with PayPal: www.evangreer.org/products.html
Buy CDs From CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com/evangreer
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/evangreer1
OCT 27: Boston, MA
NOV: need more shows within a days drive of BOSTON in NOV - DEC! get in touch to book.
NOV 18: Worcester, MD
NOV 26: Baltimore, MD
NOV 27: Richmond, VA
APRIL 2011: Tiny Fists Tour w/ Bonfire Madigan
1) Broken guitar! Please donate!

Times are super tight right now but I need a guitar to stay on the road touring, singing, and supporting the growing rebellion!
I'm starting an emergency NEW GUITAR fund! Please donate if you can using PayPal!!!
-Donate more than $20 and I'll send you a signed CD and 2 patches.
-Donate more than $50 and you'll get a signed CD, 2 patches, a signed poster, and a burned CD with a bunch of rare unreleased material, radio interviews, videos, and more!
-Donate $200 or more and you'll get all the above PLUS i'll write a song about you and send you an mp3 of it!
-Donate $500 and you get a private concert in your home at a date we work out.
-Donate $1000 and i'll name the guitar after you! ;-)
If you know of any good guitars out there, let me know!!!
2) Video, Photos, Stories from Great West Tour w/ ANNE FEENEY!
No excuses, but the main reason this newsletter is so late is that I've been on tour for the past few weeks with the legendary and marvelous Anne Feeney along with Erin and Saoirse. We flew into Minneapolis and made our way out to Spokane, WA and back via North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. A beautiful drive with simply the best company.
I took a lot of video on the tour using my phone and pieced together a little 10 minute video of some of our adventures and concerts. Check it out on my YouTube Channel and embedded below:
Highlights of the tour included:
A wonderful night at the Empire Arts Center in Grand Forks, ND to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the North Dakota AFL-CIO.
Support these locked out workers by signing their petition and donating online: www.bctgm.org

Other tour Highlights:
Fun little punk show in South Dakota. Check out Anne's punk rock side in this video.
The end of the tour couldn't have been more exhilerating! We flew back to Pittsburgh for Anne to get her brain scanned (for those who don't know she has been fighting lung and brain cancer.) Her scan came back completely clean and the doctors used the word "remission" for the first time since this whole thing started! YAY! I'm so happy i can hardly type.
Stay tuned to www.annefeeney.com for updates and be sure to go buy some of Anne's CDs to support her. Because she is on social security she can't technically work, but she can take in income from CD sales. The holidays are coming up! What better gift to give than inspiring and revolutionary music? Support her: www.annefeeney.com
3) Occupation and Liberation

I am excited about the revolutionary potential of so many people mobilizing and working horizontally. I've been trying to stop at as many of these protests / occupations as I can during my travels. I was at Wall Street with spiritchild the night after the occupation started and have made it back there a few times since. Anne Feeney and I played to a street corner full of folks at Occupy Spokane in Washington State, and at the Freedom Plaza Occupation in DC at the end of their tour, and I've visited Occupy Cleveland and Pittsburgh as well.
I'm honored and stoked to support this movement with music. I'm troubled, though, by the rhetoric of "the 99%" because I think it lets too many people off the hook. It paints a picture as if we are all in the same boat, as if the millionaire who just didn't make the cut to be in the 1% is a true friend and comrade to the dishwasher who got laid off last year. It also doesn't include an analysis of other forms of oppression like racism, ablesim, gender oppression, etc. Reports abound of blatant racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression being visible and accepted at these Occupy Events. It's also important to remember that the entire "United States" is occupied indigenous territory. We must keep this history of colonization, patriarchy, racism, and capitalism in mind and ensure that our movements will address these problems at their root. Non-hierarchical organizing is a great start, but we need to address our internalized oppression as well, not to mention our fear of fighting back.
I'm all for unity, and I think that one of the most exciting aspects of these protests is the shear number of new people who have gotten involved. I just hope we can use this as a spark to ignite a real revolution. The arrests of over 125 people in Boston made it clear: the government can shut these protests down whenever they want. They are allowing them to continue so long as they don't truly interrupt the workings of capitalism and profit, but as soon as we push the envelope we have to be ready to defend ourselves if we're ever going to win this fight.
Here's a few links to relevant articles and media about the #Occupy movement:
DisOccupy (People of Color Analysis on Occupy Wall Street and more)
Justified Rage from an Unsafe Space (article by the amazing Charlene Obernauer)
Occupy! Connect! Create! (alternative economics ideas from Ethan Miller of Riot-Folk)
And finally, here are some lyrics to a song that I'm in the process of writing with spiritchild about Troy Davis that also comments on the current Occupy movement:
where were the riots?
that's all i could think
when they murdered troy davis
at 11:38
where was the rage
when the president said
it was none of his business
another black man dead
at the hands of a system
so soaked in blood
from the red white man's blues
to the pinkerton thugs
which side are you on?
it's more than rich and poor
the top 1% may have started this war
but the roots of oppression
go deeper than that
we're back to the roots
and we're taking it back
100 years ago
on that very same land
a racist lynch mob
killed another black man
he hung from a tree
where the death row prison stands
his name was henry ethridge
henry ethridge had a plan
he said african people rise up and return
blacks back to africa
henry ethridge yearned
the plantation owners
saw black men organized
feared losing cheap labor
on which they relied
henry ethridge had a plan
so henry ethridge died
we're taking it back
to the black packed slave ships
and the broken treaties
to the nina the pinta and the santa marie
decolonize wall street
set palestine free
don't be surprised if the Feds
come for me
cuz what i'm bout to tell you
they don't want you to hear
the only thing holding us back is our fear
til we're ready to fight
you can camp all night
rally all day in the cold sunlight
hold candlelight vigils
and make your demands
but we won't see peace
without a line in the sand
a line we can sing
and one we can defend
4) Tarek Mehanna's Trial Has Started! Take Action!
Please stay tuned to www.freetarek.com to learn how YOU can support political prisoner Tarek Mehanna. Tarek's trial has just begun and we need to let the FBI and U.S. Attorney know that the WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING and we will not allow them to continue persecuting Muslims, arabs, and other people of color and marginalized people around the world.
Again: www.freetarek.com for info on how you can help!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
September 2011 Friends Not Fans Newsletter!
DONATE ON BANDCAMP: http://evangreer.bandcamp.com/releases
or donate via PayPal and note "CD Pre-Order!"
1) Honoring Troy Davis
2) Latest news and photos!
3) Road trip out West with ANNE FEENEY!
4) "Never Surrender" to appear in new film, "The Heist!
5) Just Announced: SUMMER 2012 TOUR OF EUROPE!
6) #occupywallstreet
7) Upcoming Shows and Tours
SEP 28: Grand Forks, ND
SEP 29: Grand Forks, ND
SEP 30: Grand Forks, ND
OCT 2: Rapid City, SD
OCT 3: need a show in Montana!
OCT 4: Butte, MT
OCT 5: Missoula, MT
OCT 6: Bozeman, MT
OCT 7: Spokane, WA
OCT 8: Spokane, WA
OCT 9: Spokane, WA
OCT 11: Winona, MN
OCT 13: Washington, DC
OCT 14: Washington, DC
OCT 20: Oberlin, OH
OCT 21: need a show in DETROIT!
OCT 22: Ann Arbor, MI
OCT 23: Buffalo, NY
E-Mail: evangreer@gmail.com
Website: www.evangreer.org
Collective: www.riotfolk.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/evan.greer2
Bandcamp: evangreer.bandcamp.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/evangreer
Buy CDs with PayPal: www.evangreer.org/products.html
Buy CDs From CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com/evangreer
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/evangreer1
1) Honoring Troy Davis
To me, Troy's innocence is not even the question. The death penalty is a tool of the state to kill poor people and people of color while the wealthiest members of our society, who are responsible for the most violence, go unpunished.
Before he was murdered by the State, Troy Davis wrote these words of encouragement to his hundreds of thousands of supporters from around the world:
To All:
I want to thank all of you for your efforts and dedication to Human Rights and Human Kindness, in the past year I have experienced such emotion, joy, sadness and never ending faith. It is because of all of you that I am alive today, as I look at my sister Martina I am marveled by the love she has for me and of course I worry about her and her health, but as she tells me she is the eldest and she will not back down from this fight to save my life and prove to the world that I am innocent of this terrible crime.
As I look at my mail from across the globe, from places I have never ever dreamed I would know about and people speaking languages and expressing cultures and religions I could only hope to one day see first hand. I am humbled by the emotion that fills my heart with overwhelming, overflowing Joy. I can’t even explain the insurgence of emotion I feel when I try to express the strength I draw from you all, it compounds my faith and it shows me yet again that this is not a case about the death penalty, this is not a case about Troy Davis, this is a case about Justice and the Human Spirit to see Justice prevail.
I cannot answer all of your letters but I do read them all, I cannot see you all but I can imagine your faces, I cannot hear you speak but your letters take me to the far reaches of the world, I cannot touch you physically but I feel your warmth everyday I exist.
So Thank you and remember I am in a place where execution can only destroy your physical form but because of my faith in God, my family and all of you I have been spiritually free for some time and no matter what happens in the days, weeks to come, this Movement to end the death penalty, to seek true justice, to expose a system that fails to protect the innocent must be accelerated. There are so many more Troy Davis’. This fight to end the death penalty is not won or lost through me but through our strength to move forward and save every innocent person in captivity around the globe. We need to dismantle this Unjust system city by city, state by state and country by country.
I can’t wait to Stand with you, no matter if that is in physical or spiritual form, I will one day be announcing,
Never Stop Fighting for Justice and We will Win!
2) Latest News, Videos, and Photos!Saoirse is walking. That's pretty much the big news on the home front. I still can't really believe it! He took his first 5 steps in Albany, NH at the World Fellowship Retreat Center during a wonderful and intimate concert on the eve of Hurricane Irene. My baby has taken to sitting sitting on "stage" with me and crawling around to play various instruments during the show. He's quite the accompanist but tends to steal the show a bit. Wonder where he got that from?
Summer has been busy but lazy at the same time and as I look at my calendar and realize the shear amount of touring we're about to be doing, I feel simultaneously scared and excited! Can't wait to get out there singing, meeting new friends and seeing old ones. Plus Saoirse loves tour, though each one becomes more challenging as he gets older and more stubborn. ;-)
2) Road Trip Out West With Anne Feeney!
We're delighted to be leaving on Tuesday for a two week stint in the Midwest and beyond with our dearest friend and one of my biggest influences and mentors, legendary labor singer Anne Feeney. This will be our 6th tour together! Anne and I make a pretty dynamic duo and we're planning to bring all Saoirse's favorite instruments from drums and ukelele to the banjo and the mandolin!
We start out at the 100th Anniversary of the North Dakota AFL-CIO in Grand Forks, ND and then head South and West a bit to Rapid City, SD for a punk rock gig and then off into Montana for a few dates in Missoula, Bozeman, and Butte, we make a U-Turn at the Federation of State Workers Convention in Spokane, WA and then high tail it back through Winona, MN. Then we'll fly back East in the hopes at performing for the brave souls who will be occupying Washington, DC for human needs NOT corporate greed! Check out: www.october2011.org
3) "Never Surrender" to appear in The Heist!
Meanwhile, Anne and I are both excited that our songs are being used in a hot new political documentary called Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?
From their website:
"The collapse of the U.S. economy is the result of conscious choices made over thirty five years by a small group: leaders of corporations and their elected allies, and the biggest lobbying interest in Washington, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. To these individuals, the collapse is not a catastrophe, but rather the planned outcome of their long, patient work. For the rest of the country, it is merely the biggest heist in American history."
My song, "Never Surrender" will play during the ending credits and they will be using Anne's fantastic song "War on the Workers" as well.
The film premiers at the Mill Valley Film Festival this October, check their website for a screening near you!
4) Just Announced: SUMMER 2012 TOUR OF EUROPE!
When baby Saoirse was 6 weeks old we took him on tour in Europe. This summer he'll be turning two and to celebrate we're going back to Europe, this time for TWO MONTHS! That way we can go all the places people have asked us to come play but we've never had time for!
We also want to go to Italy and study anti-authoritarian pedagogy in Reggio Emilia! Want to help fund this amazing trip? DONATE!
get in touch NOW and we can book something! E-mail: evangreer@gmail.com
Here's a little throw-back photo from my very first tour of Europe about 6 years ago (with Mark Gunnery, Ryan Harvey, and Christa Daring.) Here's the Riot-Folk! tent at the G8 Protests near Stirling, Scotland. We camped out with 8,000+ people in an impromptu squatted eco-village and I got some of my first hands on experience as a medic at a major demonstration.
We also got to play a huge show during which Oi Polloi opened for us. it was a historic riotfolk moment, i'd say!
Last week I was able to get down to NYC to do some recording with spiritchild for our Back to the Roots CD, coming November 2010. We were lucky enough to get the chance to go perform for the good folks who are occupying Freedom Plaza (formerly Zuccotti Park) near Wall Street in New York City. It's a rag tag group indeed coming from all walks of life and all over the country.
Here's a livestream video showing some direct democracy style decision making. About 6 minutes in spiritchild and I do a sweet Back to the Roots style unplugged performance for a few hundred excited people. It devolves into some interesting "discussion" on the role of denouncing police in the movement, but it's a cool video nonetheless. To clarify: the NYPD is a racist, classist, sexist, trans-phobic, white-supremist and capitalist-defending institution and I don't support them one bit. That direct enough?
Get over to www.occupywallst.org to stay up to date on what's happening down there and get to Liberty Plaza if you can! The biggest thing they need is reinforcements. You can donate online too or order some delivery for them like people from all over the world have been doing!
6) Upcoming Shows and Tours!
September 28, 2011: GRAND FORKS, ND
100th Anniversary Celebration for the North Dakota AFL-CIO!
Details TBA! with ANNE FEENEY
September 29, 2011: GRAND FORKS, ND
100th Anniversary Celebration for the North Dakota AFL-CIO!
@ Empire Arts Center
415 DeMers Avenue, Grand Forks, ND 58201
7:00pm. FREE and open to the public!
With: ANNE FEENEY, a one act play: “In Case of Emergency, Strike Glass,” film screenings and more!
September 30, 2011: GRAND FORKS, ND
100th Anniversary Celebration for the North Dakota AFL-CIO!
Details TBA!
October 2, 2011: RAPID CITY, SD
Anne Feeney & Evan Greer do Punk Rock
@ Skullets
157 1/2 E. Main North St., Rapid City, SD
7:00pm. $5. All ages!
October 3, 2011: NEED A SHOW!
we need to stop somewhere between Rapid City, SD and Butte, MT. Anyone in Billings or elsewhere want to set up a last minute house concert for me and ANNE FEENEY?!
October 4, 2011: BUTTE, MT
Details TBA with ANNE FEENEY
Pub appearance sponsored by some local unions.
October 5, 2011: MISSOULA, MT
Details TBA @ University of Montana
October 6, 2011: BOZEMAN, MT
@ The Filling Station
2005 N Rouse Ave, Bozeman, Montana 59715
Call: (406) 587-0585 [map]
7:30pm. 21+, sorry!
October 7, 2011: SPOKANE, WA
Washington Federation of State Employees Convention
@ Spokane Convention Center
334 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, WA 99201
October 8, 2011: SPOKANE, WA
Washington Federation of State Employees Convention
@ Spokane Convention Center
334 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, WA 99201
Details TBA! with ANNE FEENEY
October 11, 2011: WINONA, MN
Details TBA! with ANNE FEENEY
Contact Polly Gower for info: pollygower(@)hotmail.com
October 13, 2011: WASHINGTON, DC
Freedom Plaza! Human Needs Not Corporate Greed!
Details TBA! with ANNE FEENEY
October 14, 2011: WASHINGTON, DC
Freedom Plaza! Human Needs Not Corporate Greed!
Details TBA! with ANNE FEENEY
October 20, 2011: OBERLIN, OH
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
@ Oberlin College
Details TBA!
Contact: acivian@oberlin.edu for info!
October 21, 2011: NEED A SHOW!
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
Just had a show fall through for this date! would love to play in DETROIT, TOLEDO, etc.! get in touch: evangreer@gmail.com
October 22, 2011: ANN ARBOR, MI
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
@ University of Michigan
Hosted by the F-Word (feminist group) and more!
Details TBA soon!
October 23, 2011: BUFFALO, NY
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
house show, tentative!
Back to the Roots CD RELEASE PARTY w/ spiritchild
details coming soon!
November 5, 2011: PROVIDENCE, RI
Back to the Roots CD RELEASE PARTY w/ spiritchild
details coming soon!
November 6, 2011: WORCESTER, MA
Back to the Roots CD RELEASE PARTY w/ spiritchild
Hosted by the Toxic Soil Busters.
More details TBA!
November 10, 2011: INDIANAPOLIS, IN
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
@ Butler University
Hosted by Demia, ECO, and more!
More details TBA! Contact: mszymans@butler.edu
November 11, 2011: NEED A SHOW!
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
somewhere between Indianapolis and Oswego, NY! contact: evangreer@gmail.com with ideas!
November, 12, 2011: OSWEGO, NY
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
Social Action Conference
@ SUNY Oswego
Details TBA!
November 25, 2011: BALTIMORE, MD
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
Details TBA!
November 26, 2011: RICHMOND, VA
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
@ Strange Matter
929 W. Grace Street, Richmond, VA
$5. All ages. More details TBA!
January 28, 2011: LAWRENCE, MA
People's Music Network Winter Gathering!
January 29, 2011: LAWRENCE, MA
People's Music Network Winter Gathering!
February 1 - March 5, 2012: SOUTHEAST
I'll be releasing a brand new full-length CD and touring the entire Southeast to celebrate! Booking NOW for shows all over the country. E-mail: evangreer@gmail.com if you want me to come to your town!
April 1 - 30, 2012: WEST COAST
So excited to be touring the entire WEST COAST from CANADA to MEXICO with legendary cellist / composer / activist / riot-grrrl mama Bonfire Madigan Shive. We are booking now so get in touch! We are touring together with our partners and babies as two families full of riot-folk fury!
May 4 - 6, 2012: CHICAGO, IL
@ Labor Notes Conference
Details TBA!
When baby Saoirse was 6 weeks old we took him on tour in Europe. This summer he'll be turning two and to celebrate we're going back to Europe, this time for TWO MONTHS! That way we can go all the places people have asked us to come play but we've never had time for! SO, if you are in: SWEDEN, DENMARK, POLAND, CZECH REPUBLIC, HUNGARY, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, GREECE, GERMANY, NETHERLANDS, IRELAND, ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, pretty much ANYWHERE else in EUROPE, get in touch NOW and we can book something! E-mail: evangreer@gmail.com
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
August 2011 Friends Not Fans Newsletter!

4. Que Viva La Tiny Fists Tour!
get in touch NOW to book an event in your town!
AUG 27: Albany, NH
SEP 17: Worcester, MA (Pride Festival!)
SEP 24 - OCT 15: on the road with Anne Feeney!
OCT 20: Oberlin, OH
OCT 21: Kalamazoo, MI
OCT 22: Ann Arbor, MI
OCT 23: Pittsburgh, PA
OCT 28: Boston, MA
OCT 29: Providence, RI
OCT 30: Worcester, MA
NOV: Back to the Roots CD Release Tour w/ spiritchild
JAN - MAR: Evan Greer & Friends Southern CD release tour w/ special guests!
APR: Tiny Fists Tour w/ Bonfire Madigan
Support radical independent music and organizing!
Please make a donation using the PayPal link above!
E-Mail: evangreer@gmail.com
Website: www.evangreer.org
Collective: www.riotfolk.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/evan.greer2
Bandcamp: evangreer.bandcamp.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/evangreer
Buy CDs with PayPal: www.evangreer.org/products.html
Buy CDs From CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com/evangreer
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/evangreer1
1. Car Troubles, Saoirse in Pictures, and the Family Reunion

I was a little nervous about the situation. i was dressed really femme and with my hair in a braid, and there was a big bald fellow with white power tattoos all over his arms lurking around keeping an eye on us. Fortunately the South proved itself once again and an incredibly nice series of people proceeded to help us out in various ways. We ended up at a mechanic in Wytheville, VA and learned that we'd blown our head gasket. It would cost far more than the car was worth to repair and couldn't be done for at least a week. We sold the car to the mechanic for $200 and caught a ride to Roanoke where we rented a one way car to get home. I'll miss that Subaru, (affectionately named the Shaky Snail during the steel strings & break beats tour with Broadcast Live) but it's also kind of liberating to not have a car at all.
We're planning to live car-less for a while but we're on the lookout for the perfect touring vehicle. Veggie oil converted RV? Sailboat? Honda civic? You tell me. We're definitely planning some more bicycle tours too as soon ad saoirse is old enough. We're thinking 3 or 4. Anyone bike toured with a kid that age? Let me know, we need advice!
What were we doing in Rural Retreat, VA you might ask? We were on our way back from erin's family reunion and a lovely week of camping in the Smoky Mountains

I was also delighted to learn that Saoirse loves waterfalls just as much as I do. Maybe even more,
Appalachia is so beautiful and all my love goes to the people who are fighting tirelessly to defend those mountains from the coal companies who'd like to destroy them for profit.
United Mountain Defense
I Love Mountains
RAMPS Campaign
Coal River Mountain Watch
I am seeking an intern and maybe you'd be a great fit!
I've been realizing more and more lately that I am simply overwhelmed with the amount of work that goes into being a full-time touring musician, parent, and activist. I am seeking someone who is interested in gaining a wide variety of skills while assisting me in doing research, booking, and coordination for my tours. I am not in the financial position to be employing anyone right now (nor would I ever want to be a "boss",) but I could offer a needs-based stipend by kicking back a percentage of revenue from the shows the intern helps book.
I'm flexible, easy to work with, and open to ideas. I am based in Boston but could work with someone over internet and phone as well. You could be as involved as you'd like and work as many hours a week as you like in exchange for valuable training and experience in the DIY music scene and running a combination small business / activist campaign / roving riot.
*Longterm strategizing for grassroots campaigns, music, and projects
*Research Skills useful for social justice and academic work
*Alternative economic models, financial sustainability, and planning
*Using Google-Docs, spreadsheets, social media, and contacts databases
*Writing great press-releases and interacting with the media
*Grassroots promotional techniques
*So much more!
I have over ten years of experience as a community organizer and musician and I want to share that knowledge with you. Let me know if you're interested in this idea or if you want to try to pitch it to your school as an internship opportunity. Let's talk!
3. FOUR new releases coming soon!
After taking over two years to record Never Surrender, I'm pretty proud to announce that I'll be releasing FOUR, count em, 4, new CDs in the coming year.
I've already blogged about most of em, but here's a quick summary:
COMING SOON: Split CD w/ Politzek!
This JUST announced: Daily Revolution Records in Saratov Russia will be releasing a split-CD featuring me and Russian anarcho-folk-core singer Politzek (which translates to "political prisoner.") My half of the CD will feature a bunch of rare unreleased live and studio tracks and a few live radio performances. It will be quirky and fun. Highlights include a live version of Bella Ciao featuring Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine, Wayne Kramer of MC5, Boots Riley of The Coup, and more awesome folks. Also a live radio performance on NPR in Iowa on tour with Anne Feeney on the very last day I ever took an Adderall. that's pretty cool.
NOVEMBER 2011: Back to the Roots CD w/ spiritchild
Get excited because this is unlike anything I've ever released. I've been having an amazing time collaborating musically with my friend spiritchild who is a brilliant and well-respected hip-hop artist from the South Bronx. we've been combining the best elements of hip-hop, folk, punk, and more to create a truly unique sound that you can dance and revolt to. We'll be releasing a single next month so stay tuned!
JANUARY 2011: NEW Evan Greer & Friends CD!
This is the big one. 15 or so new songs recorded elegantly by Jory Leanza-Carey of Broadcast Live fame. Once again featuring a full band of friends, this time including Ghost Mice, Holly from HUMANWINE, Anne Feeney, Born In A Cent, Majesty, Bell's Roar, Broadcast Live, and more! This album is musically more complex and a little darker than Never Surrender and delves into a lot of different stuff like gender identity, self destruction, bicycle militancy, gay irish rebel songs, and more. You're gonna want one.
Once this CD is released, me and erin and saoirse will be touring almost the entire country to promote it! Get in touch now if you want to host us in your town.
Coming SUMMER 2012: Collaborative Electric CD w/ Born In A Cent
I met the awesome kids from NYC's feminist punk outfit Born In A Cent at their CD Release show in Brooklyn last year and we hit it off right away. They're incredible musicians and really amazing people and activists. We've had a lot of fun touring and playing together and we're in the very beginning stages of planning for a collaborative CD. I've always been a punk rocker at heart even though I love folk music, and this CD will be my chance to let my electric side out. I hope you like it! Stay tuned for more updates and music samples coming soon.
4. Que Viva La Tiny Fists Tour
Last year there was much excitement about the Tiny Fists Tour featuring me and riot grrl folk punk cello legend Bonfire Madigan. We had to postpone for family reasons but the tour idea lives on. This April 2012 the Tiny Fists Tour returns. We'll be traveling the entire west coast and beyond with two babies and an arsenal of stringed instruments.
5. Upcoming Shows & Tours
Check www.evangreer.org for a constantly updated list of shows with all the details!
Everything I have confirmed or am working on is listed below. Don't see your town here? Get in touch and we can talk about setting something up! All of my shows are booked by people just like you who want to see music happen in their area. E-mail: evangreer@gmail.com with any ideas!
AUG 27: Albany, NH
@ World Fellowship Retreat Center
7:30pm. Free / donation.
SEP 17: Worcester, MA
FULL BAND SET @ Worcester Pride Festival
plus super special after party TBA
SEP 24 - OCT 15: on the road with Anne Feeney!
details coming soon, but me and one of my dearest friends, legendary labor singer Anne Feeney, will be hitting the road again on another big midwest adventure. We're headed from Pittsburgh all the way out to Spokane, WA via Grand Forks, ND where we'll be celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the North Dakota AFL-CIO. we're booking shows along this route, so get in touch if you want to have us in your town!
OCT 20: Oberlin, OH
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
Details TBA!
OCT 21: Kalamazoo, MI
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
Details TBA! Sponsored by Kalamazoo Peace Center
OCT 22: Ann Arbor, MI
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
Details TBA! @ UMich Ann Arbor
OCT 23: Pittsburgh, PA
Back to the Roots Tour w/ spiritchild
need a show!
OCT 28: Boston, MA
Back to the Roots CD Release Party!
Details TBA! this will be amazing.
OCT 29: Providence, RI
Back to the Roots CD Release Party!
Details TBA! this will be amazing.
OCT 30: Worcester, MA
Back to the Roots CD Release Party!
Details TBA! this will be amazing.
NOVEMBER: Back to the Roots CD Release Tour w/ spiritchild
Northeast and Midwest tour to celebrate the release of our collaborative hip-hop / folk / punk CD, "Back to the Roots." This tour will feature banjos, beats, and lyrics you won't believe. Get in touch now to bring us to your town! E-mail: evangreer@gmail.com
JAN - MAR: Evan Greer & Friends Southern CD release tour w/ special guests!
Erin, Saoirse, and I will be joined by a bunch of awesome guests on one of my longest tours in a while to celebrate the release of my new Evan Greer & Friends CD (not yet titled!) We're planning to head down the East Coast and rabble around the south for a bit then head West as far as L.A. or something like that. Really we'll go anywhere that there's a gig, so get in touch! Special guests will include Broadcast Live, Born In A Cent, and more!
APR: Tiny Fists Tour w/ Bonfire Madigan
Get in touch now to book us in your town!
I'm hoping to be able to return to Europe for a tour this coming summer! We want to spend a lot of time in Ireland but I am also hoping to book shows ALL over Europe, so get in touch if you have ANY ideas. E-mail: evangreer@gmail.com
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
July 2011 Friends Not Fans Newsletter!
1) News and Updates!
2) Bandcamp Page
3) This Month's Videos
4) Back to the Roots CD Release Tour in Fall 2011
5) Support Tarek Mehanna: Sign the Petition to the AP
6) Upcoming Shows and Tours
JUL 30: need a show in KNOXVILLE or nearby!
FALL 2011:
BACK TO THE ROOTS ALBUM RELEASE TOUR w/ spiritchild (now booking!)
WINTER 2011:
now booking for SOUTHERN TOUR from Florida to the Southwest!
SPRING 2012: now booking for MIDWEST and WEST COAST tours!
Support radical independent music and organizing!
Please make a donation using the PayPal link above!
E-Mail: evangreer@gmail.com
Website: www.evangreer.org
Collective: www.riotfolk.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/evan.greer2
Bandcamp: evangreer.bandcamp.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/evangreer
Buy CDs with PayPal: www.evangreer.org/products.html
Buy CDs From CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com/evangreer
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/evangreer1
1) News and Updates!

Saoirse turns 11 months old tomorrow, which means this so-called July newsletter is a wee bit late. So much has been happening! Just got back from an amazing week amongst friends at Anne Feeney's week-long 60th birthday extravaganza down at Deep Creek Lake in Western Maryland. It was just so lovely. Anne is a marvel and I've always thought she has the coolest friends in the world. It was wonderful seeing old friends too and playing music until all hours of the morning with some of the greats of the radical folk scene.

Saoirse had a wonderful time playing with Anne's grandson, Sebastian. They played a lot of music together, got some banjo lessons from Pat Humphries, and enjoyed each other's company in the pool!
The Itsy Bitsy Spider, which Anne taught him, is still Saoirse's favorite song.

The Great Labor Arts Exchange will be happening again next year. I plan to attend and hope you will too! Check out This Month's Videos for a hot clip of me performing at the finale concert for this year's event.
After getting back from MD, we jumped back into our busy lives. Charlene and Adam from Born In A Cent came up along with Jory Leanza-Carey of Broadcast Live and his partner Kelsey and their baby Soli. The babies played while Charlene laid down unbelievably good drum tracks for the new album. I'm so excited, it's sounding so good already. Musically it's a lot darker and more complex than Never Surrender, and really different, but good. I hope you'll like it! I'm also excited to announce that folk-punk sweethearts Ghost Mice will be featuring on the album along with so many other awesome folks.
I am still looking for support to make this theoretical album a reality. If you can make a donation today, please Pre-Order the album on Bandcamp here: http://evangreer.bandcamp.com/releases
Or just make a donation through PayPal:
Thanks so much for your support! This album can't happen without you.
2) Bandcamp Page: evangreer.bandcamp.com
So the consensus seems to be that Bandcamp.com is the easiest and most functional way to offer my music for download and accept donations to keep this project sustainable. Ever since I recorded my very first CD in high school I've always offered all my music for free download.
I'm going to continue doing that, and you will always be able to download everything I record for free. I'm putting stuff on Bandcamp to make it easy for people to donate for the music that they download. As y'all know music is my fulltime job and currently our little family's only source of income. Bandcamp is neat because it lets you set your own price for albums and tracks so you get to decide how much you want to give!
Check out the page here:
Download as much music as you want and please consider making a donation to support us and keep us on the road supporting social justice movements through music and workshops!
BANDCAMP ALSO MAKES IT SUPER EASY TO PRE-ORDER MY NEW ALBUM! You can make a donation there to pre-order just a digital copy, and you'll get e-mailed a download link as soon as it's done! Or you can make a donation to get the real physical CD mailed to you as soon as its done. Either way you still get a super special exclusive bonus track as a thank-you for pre-ordering! The pre-order money will make it possible for me to pay for recording, musicians' travel costs, and the costs of packaging the CD in union made and eco-friendly cases.
Pre-Order the new album on bandcamp here:
3) This Month's Videos
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to keep updated on new videos!
Back to the Roots LIVE @ Great Labor Arts Exchange
I'm joined by my dear friend Anne Feeney, Emmy winner John Fromer, Bev Grant, Pam Parker, and Labor Heritage Foundation Executive Director Darry! Moch.
Saoirse Gets Down @ Rehearsal w/ Born In A Cent
Taken on my phone by Erin Ryan Fitzgerald, aka Mommy during rehearsal with Born In A Cent at Manifesta Loft in Brooklyn.
4) Back to the Roots CD Release Tour in Fall 2011
I'm brimming with excitement about this. As you may know I've been working on a collaboration with Brooklyn-based hip-hop freedom singer spiritchild, best known for his work with experimental hip-hop fusion band Mental Notes and international artist/activist collective Movement in Motion. Spirit has worked with everyone from the Last Poets to Grammy nominee Maya Azucena and is as committed to the struggle as anyone I've met.
We started performing together about a year ago and it as quickly and organically developed into a full blown music project called BACK TO THE ROOTS. We sat down in spirit's bedroom / recording studio last month and banged out almost an entire song like it was nothing. The creative energy was unbridled I can't wait to get back into the studio with him.

Stay tuned for a Back to the Roots Bandcamp Page Coming Soon where you'll be able to download samples from the upcoming album and pre-order your copy!
We're hoping to release the CD this Fall and take it on tour around the Northeast and anywhere else that we can book ourselves. Please get in touch now if you're interested in bringing this dynamic performance to your area. In addition to a crowd-rocking hip-hop/folk/punk-rock concert, we offer workshops on cool stuff like resisting gentrification, the history of hip-hop, queer liberation, environmental justice, and more.
Click here to download the BACK TO THE ROOTS TOUR press-kit as a PDF
As always, contact: evangreer@gmail.com for all booking inquiries.
5) Support Tarek Mehanna: Sign the Petition to the AP
Just in from the Tarek Mehanna Support Committee, a grassroots group working to free Tarek Mehanna, a muslim and arab man who has been framed by the FBI for refusing to become an informant against his own community.
"You can help us put the pressure on AP by participating in our media campaign. It’s simple. We’ve created a letter to AP in the form of a petition. Each signature will send an individual email to the editors at Associated Press. We ask that, in the next two weeks, you sign on to our petition and encourage your friends to do the same. We will keep... you posted on any responses we receive and if the need for an escalated campaign arises.
Here's the petition: www.change.org/petitions/t
AP has continued to reprint the claims that Dr. Mehanna was involved in an assassination and shopping mall plot while neither of these supposed plots is even mentioned in the charges against Dr. Mehanna. The media spreading these claims tarnishes Dr. Mehanna's character and has a strong influence on the upcoming trial. Continuing to print these baseless allegations is irresponsible and unprofessional."
6) Upcoming Shows and Tours
Check www.evangreer.org for a constantly updated list of shows with all the details.
Everything I have confirmed is listed below. Don't see your town here? Get in touch and we can talk about setting something up! All of my shows are booked by people just like you who want to see music happen in their area. E-mail: evangreer@gmail.com with any ideas!
@ The Cellar Door
1600 Monument Ave.
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=165449553526925
TBA. Working on booking something.
Contact: evangreer@gmail.com with ideas!
@ Firestorm Cafe
48 Commercial St.
$5 - 15 sliding scale donation.
More details TBA!
Back to the Roots Gig w/ spiritchild
More details TBA!
@ World Fellowship Retreat Center
68 Drake Hill Road, Albany NH 03818
7:00pm Concert.
More details: www.worldfellowship.org
Silence Broken CD Re-Release Concert
More details TBA!
Evan Greer & Friends FULL BAND SET at
Worcester Pride Celebration
Behind City Hall. 2pm - 7pm.
Free! More details soon.
I'll also be playing at a big Pride Afterparty!
FALL 2011:
WINTER 2011:
SPRING 2012:
SUMMER 2012:
BOOKING festivals and tours in U.$.A and EUROPE!
I'm always open to ANY and ALL booking ideas so just get in touch: evangreer@gmail.com
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
June 2011 Friends Not Fans Newsletter
1) New Photos, News, & Updates
2) New Videos: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel!
3) New MP3! song with Inácio do Nascimento & Taina Asili
4) NEW! Back to the Roots CD and Tour w/ spiritchild: Fall 2011
5) Benefit in Boston for AFM Local 1,000
6) Continuing Support for Political Prisoner: Tarek Mehanna
7) Upcoming Shows & Tours
Support radical independent music and organizing!
Please make a donation using the PayPal link above!
Contact: evangreer@gmail.com
Website: www.evangreer.org
Collective: www.riotfolk.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/evan.greer2
Myspace: www.myspace.com/evangreer
Buy CDs with PayPal: www.evangreer.org/products.html
Buy CDs From CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com/evangreer
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/evangreer1
JUN 7: Cambridge, MA
JUN 10: Brookfield, VT
JUN 12: Allston, MA
JUN 17-19: Washington, DC
JUN 25: Brooklyn, NY
JUL 3: need a show around BALTIMORE, MD
JUL 12: Allston, MA
JUL 22: need a show in RICHMOND, VA
JUL 30: need a show in ASHEVILLE, NC
AUG 5: New London, CT
AUG 27: Conway, NH
SEP 10: Boston, MA
SEP 17: Worcester, MA
1) New Photos, News, and Updates

Saoirse is crawling around now and eating food off our plates. I can't believe how fast he's growing! He loves punk rock and is really into Lupe Fiasco and that Spearhead song, "Rock the Nation." His favorite food so far seems to be spicy Tom Yum Guy Soup from My Thai, our local vegan Thai restaurant. He also really likes to drink straight lemon juice. He's a weird baby.
We managed to get ourselves a coveted community garden plot here in JP that we've been cultivating with the pre-school kids. Saoirse and I go there every morning to water and hang out with plants and it's a lovely way to start the day.
Last month I was honored to be able to participate in a piece of music history, sharing the stage with legendary folksingers Pete Seeger and Peter Yarrow (from Peter, Paul, and Mary) in support of my dear friend Anne Feeney as she continues her battle with cancer (secondarily of course to her ongoing battle with capitalism and all oppression, which she certainly hasn't given up.) It was inspiring to see so many people supporting Anne.

this is a shot of the big finale and you can kind of see me in the purple shirt poking out right to the left of Pete Seeger who's absolutely SHREDDING on the banjo.
anne and I opened the show together by singing "Picketline Song" and "!Ya Basta!" these have always been two of our favorite numbers to do as a duo and it was an honor to sing them with her again. doesn't she look great with short hair?!

Check out Anne's fabulous version of my song, "!Ya Basta!" off her album Dump the Bosses Off Your Back.
I can't wait to see Anne and other comrades at the Great Labor Arts Exchange in DC, June 17 - 19.
A few more photos for your enjoyment:
Saoirse learning how to crawl on stage while I play for a big crowd at Clark University in Worcester, MA during the Ciclovida Tour. he was trying to make it to the mandolin but it was a bit far.
The rest of the summer is filling up quick with a few gigs here and there, a family reunion, Irish language immersion week, and more. I have a few open dates that I'm hoping to book, so check the calendar and get in touch if you have any ideas! I'm also starting to book now for the Fall, Winter, and Spring and would love to come to your town. E-mail me: evangreer@gmail.com if you have any ideas for setting up a gig. Thanks so much for your support!
2) New Videos: Subscribe to My YouTube Channel

Become a subscriber: www.youtube.com/evangreer1
Back in middle school, there was a brief period when I decided that I actually cared about trying to "fit in" with the other kids. No matter what, though, it always seemed like I was a few months behind whatever trend was "in." By the time I got my Smashmouth CD everyone was on to Korn. By the time I got my Dallas Cowboys jersey, they were soooooo uncool. This theme seems to continue, as I am only now beginning to realize that YouTube videos are the way that the vast majority of people check out music online.
For the longest time my presence on YouTube has been completely by chance, nice folks like you take videos of me at my shows and post them and then people view them. Some of them, like a live video of my Adderall Song have gotten over 20,000 hits! The only thing is that many of these videos are old, the quality isn't always great, and since I've transitioned my gender presentation recently, a lot of them aren't a very good representation of what it's like to see me in concert now.
To this end, I've decided to take a more active role in posting videos of live shows on YouTube. I created my very own YouTube Channel and you can "follow" it, which means you'll find out when I post new stuff! I need your help with this too! Did you take a cool video of me at a show that's sitting around on your computer? Send it over and I'll post it!
Check out these new videos, below! There will be many more to come, including a MUSIC VIDEO of "Outside Lookin In" featuring my friend MAJESTY, hardcore socio-political rapper from the Bronx and as real as they come. Subscribe to the YouTube Channel or friend me on facebook to keep up with the latest videos!
"DON'T STOP BELIEVIN'" (Journey Cover) LIVE @ New College of Florida
!YA BASTA! Back to the Roots REMIX feat. spiritchild @ Providence May Day
(baby saoirse is strapped to my back, completing the BACK TO THE ROOTS crew)
ADDERALL SONG live @ New College of Florida
3) New MP3! song with Inácio do Nascimento & Taina Asili
At the very end of the Ciclovida Tour, just before Ivania and Inácio had to head back to Brazil, we caught a few moments in the lovely basement studio at the Firehouse in Worcester and laid down a few hasty tracks to document the awesome meeting of activist music from movements spanning two continents.
Taina Asili joined us from Albany and we recorded a few songs. MP3s online at www.riotfolk.org and www.evangreer.org
Or just download them here: (right click to download the links below)
translated from Portuguese by Matt Feinstein, me, and Taina.
4) NEW! Back to the Roots CD and Tour w/ spiritchild: Fall 2011
This is brand new news, just announced! This Summer, in addition to recording a new Evan Greer & Friends full length album, I'll be recording a collaborative CD with South Bronx freedom singer / hip-hop artist spiritchild of Mental Notes and Movement in Motion.

We're serving it up this Fall 2011 as the BACK TO THE ROOTS TOUR continues. We're looking to book dynamic hip-hop/folk/punk driven performances and interactive social justice workshops in your town, so get in touch NOW if you're interested in hosting us at your school or in your community.
click below to:
E-mail: evangreer@gmail.com for all booking.
5) Benefit in Boston for AFM Local 1,000
I am a proud member of the North American Federation of Musicians, Local 1,000 Traveling Musicians Union. Local 1000 is a unique and progressive local and they're holding an important benefit in Boston on June 9th! Be there if you can:
A musical comedy written by Local 1000 member and writer/musician/activist Si Kahn (music and lyrics) and Amy Merrill (book)
Join Si Kahn, award-winning folk musician and Local 1000 President John McCutcheon for an evening of musical theater and meeting friends
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Central Square Theater, 450 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
5:30 to 7:00
reception and conversation with Si Kahn, John McCutcheon
proceeds to benefit AFM Local 1000
7:30 to 9:30
reserved tickets to evening performance of Silver Spoon
Support the Union! www.local1000.org
6) Continuing Support for Political Prisoner: Tarek Mehanna
This summer will be full of action as the trial date approaches for Muslim and Arab political prisoner Tarek Mehanna. Tarek was framed by the FBI and charged with "material support for terrorism" because he would not become an informant against the Muslim community.
The Tarek Mehanna Support Committee has been working hard to support Tarek inside and agitate for his release from unjust imprisonment. Please see their call out for financial support below and send them a paypal donation if you can!

7) Upcoming Shows & Tours
Dates are constantly updated at www.evangreer.org/calendar.html
@ All Asia Cafe
322 Mass Ave, Central Sq.
6:00pm - 9:00pm
$1 - 5 sliding scale donation. All ages!
with: Dangerous Ponies, Crazy Exes from Hell, Speaker for the Dead, Lucas Navarro
Village Building Convergence
@ Twin Ponds Retreat Center
Details: www.vbc-vt.org
I'm playing around 8pm during the Pizza Party
FREE and open to the public.
Green Roots Festival Unofficial Afterparty
@ The Burrow
8pm House Show in Lower Allston
E-mail: evangreer@gmail.com for address.
With: Parasol, Ted Nyugent and some touring bands from Philly
JUNE 17th - 19th: WASHINGTON, DC
Great Labor Arts Exchange
Born In A Cent EP Release Party
@ Manifesta Loft
316 Siegel Street, Bushwick
Details TBA.
Plan-it-X Bands Invade Boston!
@ The Burrow, $5
E-mail: evangreer@gmail.com for address.
6:00pm - 10:00pm. No booze.
Back to the Roots Show & Workshops
Details TBA!
With: spiritchild
World Fellowship Retreat Center
Details TBA!
Worcester Pride Festival
Behind City Hall
I play around 2:00pm with a FULL BAND!
More details soon.
Booking for the BACK TO THE ROOTS TOUR with spiritchild
E-mail now if you want to bring us to you: evangreer@gmail.com