Welcome to my Friends Not Fans Newsletter for November!
Sometimes I forget to send newsletters, so if you want to stay in touch, you should follow me on facebook and twitter!
Here’s what’s in this month’s issue:
1) Opening for THE COUP and JAPANTHER Dec 5th!
2) Life update and Baby Pictures (most of you will skip to this part i know.)
3) A video for “Thanksgiving”
4) What is the ITU?
5) Upcoming Shows & Booking
Thanks for reading! Here’s some links:
Main website: www.evangreer.org
Collective: www.riotfolk.org
Download / Donate for Music: evangreer.bandcamp.com
Videos on YouTube: youtube.com/evangreer1
1) Opening for THE COUP and JAPANTHER on Dec 5th!
Holy wow I am so excited about this show. This is kind of a crazy lineup so if you can get to Boston on December 5th you really definitely should. Boots Riley, front emcee of legendary hip-hop band THE COUP, is clearly one of the hardest hitting radical voices in hip-hop. We’ve stayed in touch on and off for years after Tom Morello introduced us and are finally doing a show together at everyone’s favorite venue in Boston.
To sweeten the deal, electro-punk freaks JAPANTHER are part of this tour, and we get The Coup’s permanent opener from Oakland KEV CHOICE plus local minimalist darklings RUBY RIDGE.
Please RSVP and share on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/480127585360256
Tickets are only $15 in advance, which is a steal for this lineup! Get em here: http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=3134314&pl=mideastrestaurant
2) Life update and Baby Pictures (most of you will skip to this part i know.)
A lot has happened in the past month -- in the world and for our little family. I don’t have any shows coming up right now, but I’d love to book some so get in touch if you’d like to bring me to your town sometime in 2012 or 2013. Instead I’ve been focusing on organizing, writing and recording, and being a parent.
Now that it’s chillier out, we spend a lot of time snuggling and reading. One of Saoirse’s favorite books is Pete Seeger’s Abiyoyo Returns. He likes the sequel better than the original. ;-)
Saoirse was Larry Bird for Halloween. My partner, Erin, made this costume from scratch. She never ceases to surprise me with her many hidden talents. Have you seen her photo-blog? It rules: http://saoirseinpictures.wordpress.com
After Halloween, the election happened. I always feel down on election day no matter who wins. While I and many others around the world breathed a little sigh of relief that we won’t have a President Mitt Romney, I feel dismayed that we live in a time of constant crisis and our so-called leaders won’t even speak the words: climate change, poverty, racism, colonialism, sexism, ableism. But the good news is the day after the election everyone goes back to doing the important work every single day of community organizing, conspiring, and creating to build a new world full of vibrant alternatives to capitalism and oppression.
3) A video for “Thanksgiving”
I wrote this song and made this video a year ago on the National Day of Mourning, aka “Thanksgiving.” It’s about a lot of stuff. Occupy. Genocide. Resistance. Palestine. Liberation.
Still sound relevant today?
Please feel free to share it for the holidays.
Watch and share on YouTube: http://youtu.be/XYjP8Fgn1Js
4) What is the ITU?
In other news, I got a job! I know, I know, i already HAVE a job as a touring folksinger, but I got another job that I find incredibly fulfilling as well and meshes well with continuing to perform and put out music. I am the new Campaign Manager for Fight for the Future, a non-profit working to further the usefulness of the Internet for improving the world.
Here’s one of the projects I’m working on: a video about the ITU, an obscure UN organization poised to take control of the internet. The risks for internet users: censorship, surveillance, higher costs, and worse. Click the image to watch the video or check it out at whatistheITU.org
I’m really stoked to be working with Fight for the Future, and having an organizing job to supplement my music will allow me to finally release the albums that I’ve been sitting on for so long and tour and perform more sustainably. I work remotely and am able to travel so I am still available for performances and workshops anywhere in the world with enough advance notice.
5) Upcoming Shows & Booking
Speaking of which, I don’t have a whole lot of shows coming up right now! So get in touch so we can book one in your town or at your school. It’s easy to book me. You just email me: evangreer@gmail.com and we figure it out together.
Here’s what I have coming up:
@ Middle East (Downstairs)
472 Mass Ave, Central Sq.
8pm. 18+. $15 adv or $18 at the door.
Also featuring KEV CHOICE and RUBY RIDGE
Buy tickets here.
Please RSVP and share on Facebook:
DECEMBER 31: PITTSBURGH, PANew Years Eve House Concert with ANNE FEENEY
Details TBA! Tentative.
Join me at the People’s Music Network Winter Gathering!
Register online: www.peoplesmusic.org
NOW BOOKING FOR 2013 - 2014!
I’m going to be touring in shorter bursts but I’ll still be getting around! I’m planning at least one trip to Europe in the coming year and several short tours to various parts of the U.S. and Canada. I’m open to going other places too if we can make it happen! Contact me if you want to bring me to your town! I have lots of resources to help you set up a show.